Chartwell IT

Software Engineering Specialists

Software solutions are essential to the life of a business or the brains of a product.  At Chartwell IT, our team of talented technology-oriented professionals possess the skills, experience and passion to transform your ideas and concepts into real-world software applications.

We excel at proposing creative solutions to business needs, understanding the important details that enable solutions to blend effectively into the enterprise, and composing an achievable plan that maximizes the solution life cycle and yields a return on investment.

We can examine and propose software solutions based on existing technologies, or completely custom software applications that allow you to put forth a unique and revolutionary approach that moves your company to a new competitive level. Chartwell IT can help you react,  help you evolve, help make your vision succeed.

Can you benefit from our services?  If you see change in the future, the need to improve, or an opportunity that can be realized given the right tools and technologies, then it would certainly be worth having a conversation to see how our services align with your priorities.  We'd be excited to hear from you!


Do you have a vision for your organization where improved performance yields competitive advantages and bottom-line improvements?

Do you see advantages in automating collaboration between employees, customers, partners and stake holders?

Can automating processes make your company and people more efficient and effective?

Do you have important software assets that require updating to maximize their effectiveness?

Are there opportunities for growth that can be pursued given the right team and tools?

Are there market changes that require you to strengthen your team?

Skills and Strengths

The team's primary technical strengths center around the use of the Microsoft technology stack to build web-based applications, web services, data services (databases, data warehouses, big data repositories, managed storage) and collaboration portals.

We implement browser-based applications using a range of web technologies including ASP.Net, HTML 5, Javascript, and related open source and specialty components including Google Maps.

Our mobile technologies are built using Xamarin for portability between Apple (iOS), Android, and Windows 10 devices, as well as building apps using HTML 5 technologies as appropriate.

We implement software application suites using services and components available in the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.

Leadership Team

Chuck Scheckel

Charles Scheckel

Chuck Scheckel is President of Chartwell IT, which he founded in 1998. Chuck's 38+ year career has been spent in working directly with customers, industry thought leaders and senior management in the planning and direction of technology solutions and business strategy. His current focus is business development and market strategy, while also interacting with project teams.

Chuck enjoys golf, tennis, boating, and spending time outdoors as much as possible with his family and numerous pets.

He received a B.A. Degree in Physics and Computer Science from St. Mary's College (now St. Mary's University), Winona, MN.